Community Outreach

KMWP’s Outreach staff are able to provide a variety of free educational experiences for school or community groups either in the classroom or at one of our many volunteer work sites.

In The Classroom

KMWP has interactive presentations that can be tailored to fit with most curricula from grades K-12, into college level courses. Presentations cover the following:

  • Watersheds and the importance of our native forests for freshwater capture.

  • Invasive species and how they threaten our watersheds.

  • KMWP’s work and the many roles of our Field Technicians (careers in conservation).

In The Community

KMWP attends community events around the Koʻolau to engage both residents and visitors with interactive activities to demonstrate the importance of our native forests. Interactive activities include:

  • Waiko: A Plinko-like game that demonstrates the water capturing ability of a healthy native forest vs. a forest completely invaded by strawberry guava.

  • Watershed models: A 3-D diorama of a watershed that demonstrates the downstream effects of water flow through a native forest compared with a forest heavily invaded by invasive species.

  • What’s In The Pack? A dress-up game which introduces participants to the variety of tasks performed by KMWP Field Technicians with gear and tools used in everyday work situations.

In The Field

KMWP offers a variety of opportunities to get outside and experience the forest including interpretive hikes and work trips. Visit our Volunteer page for more information and our Events Calendar for available volunteer workdays!

Interested? Contact Us!

If your school, community group, or business association is interested in scheduling in a workday at one of our volunteer sites or hearing a presentation about watersheds, let us know!

Send us a message using the contact form here or call our Community Outreach line directly at (808) 426-8071.

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